duo von meck

At the end of 2017, the two of us young musicians decided to enrich our general and musical high school education by playing and performing together, working on ourselves in the smallest, but most direct chamber ensemble – the duo. The disproportion between the dimensions and the range of the flute and the piano has always motivated us to explore how we will convey the composer’s idea – the emotion – to the audience as directly as possible. Curiosity, playing and striving for perfection are manifested in the interweaving of registers, where the flute always “leads” in the singing high register, and the piano in the harmonic-aliquot low register. Competing in the middle register, where both instruments are equally intense, certainly leads to a fresh invention – improvisation based on common desires.

Duo von Meck was founded in 2017 by Laura and Matija and is currently mentored by Professor Andreas Woyke. The Duo performs regularly at chamber music concerts and competitions and regularly organises concerts in the Netherlands, Austria and Croatia. In 2024, the Duo won second prizes at the New York Debut Classical Awards and the XV Concorso Musicale Città di Filadelfia. At the National Chamber music Competition in 2019 and 2018 they won 1st prize and were awarded with the Oscar of Knowledge, the highest award in Croatia for pupils for outstanding achievements and results. Upon the invitation of the Office of the former President of the Republic of Croatia – Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the Duo von Meck performed at Villa Prekrižje at Pantovčak. They worked with the following well-known and respected professors: Nina Patarčec, Marko Zupan, Marietta Petkova, Marieke Schneemann, Nils Thilo Krämer, Đorđe Stanetti, Ela Korbar, Nives Andrijašević Janković, and Robert Batelić.